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Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas

Ring Advice

Jewelry shopping can be intimidating. That’s why we started Ask Holden, our blog where we answer your FAQs, break down scary industry lingo, and guide you in finding the perfect piece of jewelry.

Here at Holden, engravings are free with your wedding band. The world (ring) is your oyster (up to 20 characters)!

Figuring out what your customized engraving should say can be...kinda stressful. Of course, you’ve already made the big decision of picking your partner, so try not to sweat it too much!

You can always choose not to engrave your wedding band, but if you want to say something special that stays between you and your ring (literally, since it’s an internal engraving), we’ve got some ideas to start you on your engraving journey.

Wedding ring engraving ideas

Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas

1. A name or initials

2. A pet name (...don’t worry, we’ve pretty much seen it all)

3. Your pet's name

4. An important date or GPS coordinate

5. An inside joke

6. A quote from a favorite song/poem/movie

7. Something totally random - it’s your ring! A split message that you divide between the two rings (one ring could say “2 INFINITY” while the other says “& BEYOND”). You could also coordinate if there are any engraved engagement rings in the picture!

8. A quote from your wedding vows ('til death and till death are two of our most popular engravings - which version you choose is up to you!)

9. Pretty much anything those Valentine’s candy hearts have to say. XOXO, CUTIE PIE, you get the drill. They’re adorable, succinct, and they made third grade a lot more fun.

    In case you, like us, are curious about trends in the world of engraved wedding bands, these are Holden's 10 most commonly engraved words:

    1. AND

    2. YOU

    3. LOVE

    4. I

    5. FOREVER

    6. MY

    7. ALWAYS

    8. TIL

    9. DEATH

    10. THE

      Engraved Wedding Band FAQs:

      Q: What’s your standard font? Are there other options?

      A: Our standard font is TO Record Black. This is our recommended font, since we are able to print it into the 3D model, making the engraving deep and clean.

      If you're looking for a different font, we can also do a script engraving (looks like cursive) on some of our rings in Petit Formal Script. If there's something specific you have in mind, feel free to reach out to, and we'll see if we can accommodate your request!

      Engraving examples

      Q: Can I add symbols to my ring?

      A: Yes! The most common symbols people use in their rings are ♡ and ∞. If you’re looking for something else, you can send us an email at—we’ll see what we can do!

      Q: Eek! I have the perfect engraving but it’s 21 characters...Is there any way in the world you can possibly find it in your heart to accommodate me?

      A: Hopefully, yes! Send us an email at, and we'll see if your ring profile, width, and size can squeeze in an extra letter or two ;).

      Q: Are there any rings you can’t engrave?

      A: Unfortunately, we’re not able to engrave some of our ring styles, such as our curved rings, The Floating Eternity, or our baguette rings. If there is no engraving field on the ring you're interested in and you'd like to see if we can add one, email us at and we'd be happy to confirm engraving possibilities.

      Q: Can I engrave the outside of my ring?

      A: Depending on the ring style, yes! Email if you'd like an external engraving.

      Q: Can you feel the engraving while the ring is on?

      A: If you’re holding the ring and rub your finger over the engraving, you can feel it, but you won’t feel it at all when wearing the ring on your finger!

      Questions? Give us a shout at or a ring (pun intended) at  646.722.6817.